Instrumentation Course 2001 - Frequently Asked Questions


Complex impedances
Thevenin's theorem and how to use it.
Dynamic range
Current and voltage sources
Binary and Hexadecimal numbers
Unipolar and bipolar signals

Complex impedances
The impedance of a resistor is well known, ie. R, and very simple, as it is a real number. It just expresses the ratio of voltage to current across it in any circuit, R = V/I. Capacitors and inductances are frequent components in other circuits and they also have an impedance which, unlike a resistor, is complex because they introduce a phase change between current and voltage, so the ratio V/I is no longer capable of being summarised by a single number.

For a capacitor C, Z = V/I = 1/jwC, while for an inductor L, Z = jwL. After this, we can work with Cs and Ls just as easily as Rs, provided we are ready to manipulate complex numbers instead of just real ones. For example the impedance of two resistors in series is  Zseries = R1 + R2. In the same way, the impedance of two inductors in series is Z = jwL1 + jwL2. = jw(L1 + L2).

The parallel impedance of a capacitor, C,  and a resistor, R,  can be calculated from the knowledge of the results for resistors, Z = R1R2 /(R1+R2). Z = R(1/jwC)/(R+1/jwC) = R/(jwCR+1). Once this is known, you can combine more resistors and capacitors in just the same way as for resistors alone. Similarly with inductors.

Eventually, you will end up with a complex number which, like all complex numbers can be written as an amplitude and phase factor, ie Z = Z0exp(jf). It is not always necessary to do this, and sometimes the result can be rather nasty algebraically, but there is no need to be intimidated. It can be manipulated with complex algebra if required.
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Thevenin's theorem and how to use it.

The theorem tells us how to simplify a complicated network into a voltage source and a series resistor (or complex impedance). The rule is that the Thevenin voltage Vthevenin = the open circuit voltage (imagine an ideal voltmeter, which draws no current, attached to the output of the circuit). The Thevenin resistance, Rthevenin, can be calculated from the Thevenin voltage divided by the short circuit current. The short circuit current is found by calculating the current which flows when the output terminals are connected together. Once you've tried it out on a circuit, it is easy to understand. Take as an example a potential divider connected to a voltage V, ie. two resistors connected in series, with the output voltage taken across one of them.
Vopen = VR1 /(R1+R2) = Vthevenin

Ishort = V/R2

Rthevenin= Vopen/Ishort =  R1R2/(R1+R2)

Equivalent circuit

It can also be applied to networks of complex impedances, not simple resistors.

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Binary and Hexadecimal numbers
A binary number is a number expressed to the base 2, to be compared to a decimal numbers with which we are all  familiar which use the base 10. A hexadecimal number uses the base 16. What this means is:

In a base-N system the digits available are 0, 1,... N-1. Thus, in the base-10 number system the digits are 0, 1, 2, 3,... 9 while in the binary system the digits available are simply 0 and 1. In the hexadecimal system we need to give digits greater than 9 a code, so we use A, B...F to represent 10, 11, ...15.

In all number systems the digits are written in powers of the base, with the rightmost digit repesenting the lowest power. Thus the number 967 (decimal) means
    9 x 102 + 6 x 101 + 7 x 100
Similarly, in binary the number 10011 means
    1x24 + 0x23 + 0x22 + 1x21 + 1x20 = 1910   where the subscript 10 indicates the base, ie decimal. So this could also be written 100112 in case of any ambiguity. Thus the number AF1B16 means 4482710

Binary numbers are used in all computers, where normally only two states are available, OFF and ON, or HIGH and LOW. But lengthy binary numbers are tedious to read and compare so the Hex representation which effectively groups 4 binary digits into one Hex digit is useful. Two Hex digits make one byte, or 8 bits, which is a very commonn way of grouping bits in computers or microprocessors.

Another term which is encountered in microprocessor or computer arithmetic is the complement of a number. There are two kinds: the "one's complement" just exchanges 0 for 1 and vice-versa, while the "two's complement" is the "one's complement" +1. Some examples

Decimal Hex Binary One's complement
Two's complement
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Dynamic range
The dynamic range of a system is the ratio of the largest to the smallest signals in a system. It's easy to understand why there should be a largest signal, either because no larger signal is physically possible, or because the system is limited, eg by amplifier saturation, to a certain maximum amplitude. The smallest signal usually arises from  another kind of limitation, eg the smallest signal distinguishable from noise or the minimum digitisation level (1 bit) of an Analogue to Digital Converter. The dynamic range is expressed in a number of units:
a number (eg 20,000), a number of bits (eg 8bits, or 28 = 256) or dB (eg 60dB = 1000, if the amplitudes are voltages).
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Current and voltage sources
Current and voltage sources are what their names suggest, ideal sources of constant current or voltage. I.e. they produce a given current or voltage no matter what the conditions. The most likely condition to vary will be the load resistance or impedance to which the source must deliver its current or voltage. So, in practice, it is not realistic to expect a current source to be able to deliver a constant current into a high impedance load; eventually the voltage across the load will have some influence on the source. Similarly, a voltage source will not be able to deliver a constant voltage if the load resistance becomes too small; it simply will not be able to supply the large current required.
Nevertheless, good approximations to ideal sources can be found, provided reasonable limits are set on the range of current or voltage. The simplest current source is simply a voltage in series with a resistor. It should be obvious that a series resistance load will influence the current but a transistor as load may not affect it so much.
An ideal current source has a high impedance, while an ideal voltage source has a low impedance. The symbols are shown below.

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This refers to amplification, in the most general sense. The gain of an amplifier is the factor by which the input signal (normally voltage or current) is multiplied.  Although in general we are interested in systems with amplification factors greater than one, gain can be greater than, equal or less than unity.
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Unipolar and bipolar signals
Just refers to signals which have one polarity (ie either always greater than zero, or always less than zero). An example is a simple exponential - v(t) = exp(-at), which never falls below v(t) = 0. Bipolar signals are those which have both positive and negative amplitudes (such as a sine wave). Of course we can also refer our zero level to a constant value if we wish.
Don't confuse bipolar signals with bipolar transistors - they are completely unrelated.
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