Imperial College
CMS Workshop for SLHC -    London,  12 & 13 July 2004
Lecture Theatre 3
Level 1 Blackett Lab
14.00 - 18.00 Monday 12 July
9.00 - 18.00 Tuesday 13 July
Link to 1st SLHC
Eating Places
London Links

This is the 2nd CMS Workshop on Detectors and Electronics for the SLHC, which will be an upgrade to the CERN Large Hadron Collider to eventually operate at 10^35 cm^-2.s^-1 luminosity with 28 TeV centre of mass energy.

Short contributions to the parallel sessions are envisaged. Please give an indication if you may wish to present something by sending us an email.

The Workshop will take place in the Lecture Theatre 3, Blackett Lab (Physics Dept - No. 6 on the MAP, SOUTH KENSINGTON Campus).

Imperial College Conference Link  provides a local Hotel service and cheaper but confortable rooms on Campus (Beit Hall - No. 3 on Map).Please note that at the moment, all Campus rooms are fully booked on 13 July, if you plan to stay longer.  You can book directly or choose other alternatives:
The Regency Hotel The Brompton Hotel ASTON Apartments

Contact: Piera Brambilla
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 7824
Fax: +44 (0)207 823 8830