Guidelines for Half-day meeting Organizers

1. The topic of the half-day meeting is agreed upon between you and the IOP HEPP Committee. The material presented at the meeting should be accessible to a general high energy physicist’s audience.
Choose a venue and a date, or an approximate date, for the meeting. The reason it’s approximate is that it usually takes a few iterations to find a time when the people that you wish to invite to speak are available. Once you have a date, venue, and know what time the meeting will be, please let me know so that I can put that information onto the HEPP events website.

2. In choosing speakers, we encourage organizers to try to get a variety of people from different institutions, experiments, north/south, early career researchers, etc. This isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Also bear in mind that the Group wishes to ensure that women and minority groups are appropriately represented as speakers at its meetings.

3. Please setup a web site where you advertise the meeting and where possible participants can find information about the date, location, travel and who is organizing the meeting. Do this as soon as possible such that I can put it into the IOP calendar and onto the half-day meeting webpage. I need a webpage for this. The agenda does not need to be finalized at this stage, but should be final at least one month before the meeting.
Your website should include “registration” information. I recommend to use indico or some other online platforms for organizing the workshop and to do the registration of the participants online. Please also ask the participants at the registration step if they are already IOP member and if not, if they would be interested in becoming a member. This information should not be public, but I would like to have access to it. Opening the registration early will also aid you to know how many people will need coffee/tea/biscuits. (There are typically about 40 people at a half-day meeting, although there is a sizeable variance on that number.) Please also include any other information you think people might need.

4. We allow up to £500 for each halfday meeting, although please don’t feel that you need to spend it all. This does mean that the speakers must be a bit careful about how and when they travel, for example not by train during peak hours! The secret is to book well ahead for travel both by air and train. The way the finances work is that speakers claim their expenses on an IoP travel form and you send in any expenses on an invoice. The latter are normally for items like coffee and biscuits only with the host group contributing organizational effort. Expense forms should go through Sinead Farrington for authorization.

7. After the meeting please send me a brief summary of the event by email.

Please feel free to contact me with any other questions.
Dr Melissa Uchida <> (HEPP Committee Half-Day Meeting Representative)

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