All files since sept last year were analyzed using the new scheme where "quality" is also output to the data file, and the reference quantities go first into the file for spotLumis and spotXY. The spotLumi has LumiAv and LumiTot, the approach to record the contents of the brightest bin is not used anymore. The LumiTot is now output to the plots in PVSS. For comparison, one can see plots where one requires to plot only pictures with statusCode (quality) == 0 and where all data in plotted (noQcheck) The R1cam03 (C-downbox) was replaced on the 26-3-09, so data points b/w 09:00 and 16:35 on that day are removed. (pictures too bright) For 27-3-09, data points b/w 090302 and 13:35 for R1cam03 only, are removed. Pictures too bright