> example 200072 RcdReaderBin::open() Opened file data/run/Run200072.000.bin RcdHeader::print() Record Time = 15:01:13:430:918 Tue Feb 7 2006, Type = 1 = runStart DaqRunStart::print() DaqRunType::print() Data = 285646853 = 0x1106a005 = 0b00010001 00000110 10100000 00000101 Type = 17 = crcNoise, Major type = 1 = crc Version = 5 (default = 5), Print level = 6 Switches = 160 = 0xa0 = 0b10100000 Single event data run Binary write run Histogram filling enabled Run number 200072 Maximum numbers of configurations 2147483647, acquisitions 2147483647, events 2147483647 Maximum time of run 2147483646 secs RcdHeader::print() Record Time = 15:01:28:120:074 Tue Feb 7 2006, Type = 13 = runEnd DaqRunEndV1::print() DaqRunType::print() Data = 285646853 = 0x1106a005 = 0b00010001 00000110 10100000 00000101 Type = 17 = crcNoise, Major type = 1 = crc Version = 5 (default = 5), Print level = 6 Switches = 160 = 0xa0 = 0b10100000 Single event data run Binary write run Histogram filling enabled Run number 200072 Actual numbers of configurations 1, slow readouts 1, acquisitions 1, events 77 Actual time of run 14 secs RcdReaderBin::close() Closed file data/run/Run200072.000.bin RcdCount::print() Total number of records = 161 Number of records of type 1 = runStart = 1 Number of records of type 2 = configurationStart = 1 Number of records of type 3 = acquisitionStart = 1 Number of records of type 4 = trigger = 77 Number of records of type 5 = event = 77 Number of records of type 7 = acquisitionEnd = 1 Number of records of type 11 = configurationEnd = 1 Number of records of type 13 = runEnd = 1 Number of records of type 17 = slowReadout = 1