Minutes of CALICE-UK Meeting, UCL, 06/03/02 =========================================== Present: Jon Butterworth, Paul Dauncey, Ian Duerdoth, Steve Hillier, Martin Postranecky, Mark Thomson, David Ward, Matt Warren Minutes: Paul Proposal discussion: Our reactions and new plans following the change to the VFE chip were discussed. Paul showed a few transparencies describing the new VFE chip and a simple readout system; see attached slides for details (last 4 slides). It would still be possible to make something more "TESLA-like" using the new VFE chip, but it might be significantly more expensive. The original inclination to do a more sophisticated readout was justified because the costs were likely to be similar; this is thought to not be the case now. A simple system to do the job would be at most 50k pounds. At this level, if including the HCAL readout would be technically straightforward and not a large extra cost, then it was thought worthwhile providing this as a service to the collaboration. Just to confuse the issue, Paul received an email from Christophe de la Taille, who is making the VFE chip. He asked if we wanted separate channel readout in addition to the multiplexed output. The feeling was that having to have connectors to 10k channels would be a significant complication and so we should stick with the multiplexed readout. Long-term interests; While it is clearly very early to decide, it was thought useful to see what each group might be interested in working on longer-term, ignoring other constraints. Dividing the project into mechanics, silicon wafers, VFE chips, readout electronics (all other on-detector readout) and DAQ (the off-detector readout and computing), then the interests expressed were; Birmingham; DAQ, possibly readout also Manchester; Readout UCL; Readout, DAQ Cambridge; Silicon, wafers, readout IC; VFE chip, readout Several groups also expressed strong interests in software tasks, mainly reconstruction and algorithm development as well as simulation. In terms of the hardware tasks; Mechanics; no interest at this time Silicon wafers; Cambridge VFE chip; IC Readout; All groups DAQ; Birmingham, UCL It is clear that our interest (and experience) is mainly focussed in the readout (and also DAQ to a large extent). This would be worth flagging up to the PPRP. One point made was that the readout needed for the final system might not be well-defined for quite a while, since changes to the VFE would have knock-on effects which change things downstream (as we have seen recently). This might mean that if we did decide to go this route longer term, then our main intellectual input might need to be in the software tasks for a long time yet. It would seem sensible to put a lot of our effort into this area now. Given the simpler system outlined above, it is likely less effort is needed to get this working and so more people should be available for the software studies. Manchester also expressed an interest in PMT studies for the HCAL. There was some concern in the meeting that we were already spread thin and so taking on another task might be difficult. In addition, if this requires funds, then we would need to include something in the PPRP bid. This might be interpreted as a lack of focus. However, if there is any other interest in this then it should be considered, so people should speak up asap. PPRP submission: We should now aim for the May 13 PPRP meeting. This means the submission document deadline is April 29. We should aim to have a meeting to finalise the draft around a week before this date and so should have a draft to discuss at that meeting a week before the meeting itself. 16 April at UCL was suggested for the date, which would mean the draft would need to be ready before people go to the IoP/St Malo. [Note added after the meeting by Paul: having forgot to bring my diary, I only now realise I cannot make 16 April. Can we rethink that date?] Other meetings: There will be a CALICE ECAL and HCAL meeting at Paris on 11 April, the day before the St Malo meeting starts. This will include a Technical Board meeting, at which Rolf Heuer will raise the issue of the VFE chip being changed without consultation. It would be good to get a UK person at that meeting; if you intend to go to the Paris meeting, can you contact Paul asap? Mark seemed to be the only person who was planning on going to St Malo. This meeting is in the next FY and we have probably spent most/all of our funds from this FY. Because we did not make it to the March PPRP meeting, we do not have travel funds allocated for the next FY. Paul will contact Ken Peach to see if some temporary cover can be arranged. TESLA system discussion; Paul put together some numbers on how the final system might look; again see attached slides for details (first 8 slides). The critical decision for the architecture is whether the threshold cut can be applied to the analog data or only to the digital data. If the former, then a reasonable analog pipeline followed by a quite small number of (F)ADC's would look feasible. ATLAS have analog chips with 4-bit DAC settings for their thresholds, so it seems likely such a system would be viable.