Trimming ======== We need to do 168 runs, each with 4x42 unmasked pixels, to determine each iteration of trims. This works by calculating the highest undetermined bit of the six trim bits with each run set. Eight sets are needed; firstly for trim=0, then a set for each of the six bits and finally a check of the values to give the V0 version of the trim file. For e.g. sensor 21, the eight different run sets are labelled in order as Sensor21Trim0, Sensor21Bit0, Sensor21Bit1, Sensor21Bit2, Sensor21Bit3, Sensor21Bit4, Sensor21Bit5, Sensor21TrimV0 A run set is done using runStart -t mpsMaskThresholdScan -v 21 -n 168 Summary files of means and noise for the unmasked pixels are created for each run using mpsAnalysis. The whole run set can be done in one go with mpsAnalysis -n 168 This produces 168 separate files, each named MpsAnalysisMaskThresholdScan.txt For each run set, these are combined into one file for all pixels using mpsMaskThresholdScanCombine. This needs to be edited for each run set to specify the runs used and then rebuilt build mpsMaskThresholdScanCombine It is called by mpsMaskThresholdScanCombine Sensor21Bit3 for example. This will print out missing or duplicated pixels. Missing ones can be due to too high a trim, which pushes the hits outside the threshold range used, so no hits are seen. The subsequent software will handle these OK. Duplicates are always an error and so if they occur, they may need masking later by hand so note which pixels appear twice. The combined files for the various run sets of one sensor are processed using mpsMaskThesholdScanTrim, using e.g. mpsMaskThesholdScanTrim Sensor21 This produces quite a bit of output so pipe into a file, e.g. mpsMaskThesholdScanTrim Sensor21 > temp.log and check the file for problems. Search for "mean" to see the trim values which are being changed. Searching for "mean 0" should give missing pixels and these should normally have very high trim values (~48 or above). This program produces a configuration file called Sensor21.cfg which must then be copied into the local online working cfg/ directory before the next run set begins mv Sensor21.cfg ~/online/cfg/MpsSensor1ConfigurationDataSensor21.cfg Note, this means a file will all trims set to zero for a new sensor must be put in the online/cfg directory before starting the whole trim process. The most common error is that the sensor configuration data is randomly reset during a run. This removes the mask of the other pixels and so increases the data volume enormously. Such files are easy to spot as the data file size, shown using ls -l data/run is much larger than for all the other files. It is common to get one or two such large files in each run set. In such cases, the corrupted runs must be retaken by hand. This requires a shutDown of the DAQ, editing MpsConfiguration.hh, then build runner startUp and then taking one replacement run runStart -t mpsMaskThresholdScan -v 21 The change to MpsConfiguration.hh is to cludge it to start with a different value for _runNumberInSequence. Specifically, uncomment //unsigned save=_runNumberInSequence; //_runNumberInSequence=426185-426157; ... //_runNumberInSequence=save; and set the two run numbers to the corrupted value minus the first run number of the set. Do not forget to re-comment these lines before taking the next full set of runs! This also means the run list in will need to be fiddled to pick up the re-taken run rather than the original; there are many examples of this already in this code. Try not to let get out of synch if running trims in parallel on more than one system.