CALICE MAPS Meeting, RAL, 06/06/06 ================================== Present: Jamie Crooks, Paul Dauncey, Yoshi Mikami, Renato Turchetta, Nigel Watson, John Wilson Minutes: Paul Minutes of last meeting: No comments. Sensor design: Jamie showed some slides on the status of the design; see the usual web page. He assumes 450e per MIP is collected when summing over all the diodes but this value should be confirmed by the sensor simulation soon as the design could be strongly influenced by it. In particular, the effect of the central pixel circuit needs to be estimated. Renato and Jamie have met with Foundry B who are "willing" to help. They have a multi-project ("shuttle") run with a 12mu epitaxial layer in 1.8mu technology. The second fabrication would be an "engineering" run of a 22x30mm2 reticle with four or six metal layers. Sensor simulation: Giulio was not present but sent the following report: * I nearly finished simulations for 50um cells sizes, 4 diodes, 12 m epitax thickness, I should be able to put them in a presentable form by this weekend. * I recently had a short discussion with Jamie about the resetless scheme he's proposing, I gave him some initial models to be used in Spice simulations. More detailed ones should be available early next week. * The simulator seems to be running much better now that we have upgraded it: if all goes well, I'm planning to run other simulations (i.e. additional nwells, different diodes locations) as soon as I've finished with the above one (again, it should be early next week). Physics simulation: Yoshi showed some slides on progress with Mokka; see the usual web page. His comments following the meeting were: * Saturation in Page.4 left plots's red points: It is not for energy deposit/event but for mean energy of cell_hits. As shown in page.5 red points, number of cell_hits also increase and then energy deposit/event depends linearly on incoming electron energy. (As shown 17/05/06's my slide, page.9) * Saturation in Page.3 right midle plots: I think that 100um case is already single MIP hit per cell. (As shown 06/06/06's page.4 right plots.) It means 100um case is on plateau. The drop in more smaller cell case in the same plot (Page.3 right midle) will be due to one secondary particle pass through a few cells in the same layer. (It should be studied more.) I will expand cell size from 100um to more larger cell to confirm that 100um case is on plateau. The study of the occupancy of 48 sensors in a row has not yet been done but is getting urgent. CASE studentship: Nigel reported that Birmingham have applied for a CASE studentship to work with RAL on MAPS sensors. This would be to start in Oct but PPARC are still considering the case so it is not definite yet. This will make recruitment in time quite difficult although Nigel has been told he should hear the outcome soon. Next meeting: This will be on Wed 12 July at 1pm in R76 as usual.