CALICE MAPS Meeting, RAL, 13/11/06 ================================== Present: Jamie Crooks, Paul Dauncey, Yoshi Mikami, Owen Miller, Marcel Stanitzki, Konstantin Stefanov, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Giulio Villani, Nigel Watson Minutes: Paul Minutes of last meeting: No corrections. Marcel was introduced as this was his first meeting. Conferences: Konstantin reported that the talks at Valencia seemed to go well and MAPS got a good mention in the summary talk by Erika Garutti. Konstantin also reported that a talk by L. Ratti (Pavia) on MAPS for the ILC vertex detector had contained a pixel circuit design similar to ours; see link on the usual web page. It uses a biased deep n-well to collect the charge which is very large, 30x30mu^2, and is equivalent to a 100fF input capacitor. They have 1us shaping and the design is implemented in 0.13mu technology. This gives a noise of ~40 ENC; Jamie will scale his values to crosscheck how this compares with his calculations. Yoshi reported that there had been a MAPS talk in the DAQ session by L.Piemontese; see web page. This concerns the DAQ readout of a vertex detector MAPS system for EUDET. Following his talk, Konstantin had a long discussion with Marc Winter (Strasbourg) who has been working on vertext detector MAPS for some time. He proposed some level of collaboration and discussion of results. He stated they get approximately 20% agreement with the same sensor simulation as used by Giulio when comparing with their beam test results. It was thought they had not done a detailed laser scan as we plan to do. Marc's group work with STS (Thompson) Microelectronics in Grenoble and have developed a 0.13mu process which cuts a trench around each pixel through the epitaxial layer. This uses similar technology to the holes made in 3D detectors and gives a 1mu wide, 20mu deep groove. With our pixel size, this would be a 4% dead area. This is a very non-standard process, which would undermine one of the main motivations for MAPS, but is clearly an interesting development. There will be a meeting on silicon sensors for ECALs at the EWHA University, Seoul, on 12-14 Dec; see link on the usual web page. Yoshi can attend this. The talk should aim at a technical rather than simulation description, similar to Konstantin's Valencia talk with any updates over the two months. Sensor design: Renato reported that Foundry B have said the deep p-well process qualification can be done in time for the Jan shuttle run (although this is now redundant for us). They have quoted a cost of $90k +/- 10% exclusive of VAT. It is not clear if we will need to pay VAT yet; Renato will chase this up with the RAL administration. The worst case figure is then $120k ~ £65k pounds. RAL will pay £35k of this so CALICE will need to find the rest, presumably from the working allowance. Paul will alert the OsC of this issue before the 28 Nov meeting. The firm cost and exclusivity of rights to the process still need to be settled but Renato hopes this can be completed by the end of Nov. Konstantin and Giulio (and Marcel to some extent) will need to know details of the process also. They are covered by the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) RAL signed with the foundry and so can attend the meetings. Hence, Renato will include them in any future meetings. Following comments reported from Valencia, Paul raised the issue of the epitaxial layer thickness. The 12mu currently being assumed is because the only other thicknesses being offered were less. A thicker epitaxial layer would give more charge and would probably improve the S/N on the hit picel but might also increase cross talk; the charge liberated in the deepest parts of the epitaxial layer would be more likely to diffuse further before being absorbed by a diode at the top. The optimal thickness is still to be determined. Konstantin raised the issue of having some traces added for analogue readout of the pixels, to allow the signal size and timing to be seen directly. This had been discussed in the PDR and will be implemented although whether standard pixels in the main sensor or test structure will be used has not been decided. Jamie showed some slides of updates to the pixel circuit designs; see usual web page. In extending the shaping time, he has simplified the circuit a little but this means it would not be possible to go back to the faster shaping without changing the design again. The shaper will now go over threshold for ~600ns. This means several contiguous 150ns comparator samples will fire for each particle and it might be possible to record only the first and last. It is not clear how this works with the logic scheme of ORing the channels in groups of six. There is also potentially amplitude information in the time-over-threshold value although it is not clear how useful this would be. The preshaper circuit will saturate after integrating between 10k and 20k electrons within a bunch train. This corresponds to 10-20 MIPs, assuming deep p-well, although Jamie would reduce the gain a little if deep p-well is certain so as to give a little more overhead. The presampler circuit can absorb at least 30k electrons; note this saturation is not cleared with the reset following a hit. Both circuits give very comparable noise ~25 ENC, where the preshaper nosie calculation assumes 20fF input capacitance, i.e. 1.8x1.8mu^2 diodes. Hence, it is not clear which circuit is better; the preshaper saturates sooner but the presampler needs a reset after each hit and therfore has more deadtime. Other issues are which is more viable, i.e. likely to work, and which is more likely to function better when power pulsing, which will be an essential feature of the final system. It would be possible to implement both, but there are only a total of four pixel variants foreseen in the first round so the issue is then whether there are other features which have a higher priority for varying. It was agreed that two diode layout variants would be sufficient, since if the sensor simulation can be tuned to agree with these, then inter/extrapolating between them with the simulation would allow us to optimise the layout for the second round. The two diode variants should span the parameter space to some extend, e.g. a 2x2 array of 1.8x1.8mu^2 diodes and a 3x3 array (except for the central diode) of 0.9x0.9mu^2 diodes might be sufficient. It would also be good to make sensors with and without the deep p-well. However, this is possible through the wafer processing groups (we can have up to six different process group of two wafers each) and so would not take up any of the four pixel variations within the sensor. No other major variants were suggested so it was decided that the two circuits should both be implemented as two variants, with the diode layout as the other two, giving four combinations total. The IDR, which was postponed from 4 Oct, was fixed to be on Mon 18 Dec. We will use the same reviewers as previously assumed if they are available; Renato will contact them. Konstantin can no longer qualify as an external reviewer so we may need a new third reviewer, from outside RAL/EID. Mike raised the issue of the location of the comparator. If we are sure we will have deep p-well, then it makes sense to place the comparator in the pixel and reduce the size of the dead logic region. Obviously, we cannot yet be sure of this but we should assume the deep p-well will be used for now. The next element up in the circuit is the pixel mask; this could also be moved to within the pixel although setting the mask bits would require a more complex shift register path. This would not only save on the dead area but Marcel suggested it would also allow the mask bit to turn off the power to the pixel. Unless a large fraction of the pixels are dead (and hence masked), the power saving would be small but this could prevent a bad pixel disabling the neighbouring pixels. Sensor simulation: Giulio had just got back from IEEE and had not yet analysed the simulation runs which had completed. One issue for future simulations will be modelling the deep p-well; hence the need for Giulio to attend the next meeting with the foundry. However, to a first approximation, then simply leaving the whole n-well area out of the simulation should be sufficient. Sensor testing: This is a new agenda item as we will need to produce a readout system for the sensors before the first round are returned in Aug next year. The system will be mainly produced by Imperial but some effort from RAL/PPD on the firmware could be used. The Imperial engineer, Matt Noy, will start work on this within a few weeks. The same system will be used to test ASIC chips designed in France for the standard ECAL readout, so the system will be somewhat more general than just MAPS readout. We will also need five or six copies of the readout system so the cost cannot be high. There have been some discussions at Imperial on the general concept, which will be a commercial FPGA development board, a generic interface board to this and specific PCBs to hold the MAPS sensors or ASICs. The I-DAQ board was previously suggested as an alternative to the FPGA development board, but these are now not available in the numbers needed so this idea has been dropped. Giulio has recently bought a Xilinx development board of the same type as used by Renato's group for MI3 sensor testing; see web page for the flyer for this board. This has ~100 user I/O pins, which might not be sufficient for the MAPS cosmics test stack, where four sensors need to be run synchronously. It is also too expensive for our use. Physics simulation: It is clear that several of the issues which would decide between the two circuits need input from the physics simulation. Specifically, the importance of the saturation after 10 MIPs and the deadtime induced by the reset are things which can be estimated by this route. Nigel reported that there had been a simulation meeting earlier in the day where the tasks to produce these results had been discussed and assigned. The technical code is not yet all in place; the GEANT4 (Mokka) program, which produces the exact energy deposits (hits) is running with 5x5mu^2 subpixels matched to Giulio's simulation steps. However, the next step is to convert this into a list of hit pixels of size 50x50mu^2. This requires charge diffusion (from Giulio's simulation), addition of noise, implementation of the threshold and removal of pixels in dead areas. This "digitisation" step is partially implemented but not yet complete. The GEANT4-level code can be used for the first study needed, which is of the occupancy from the beam-related backgrounds. Nigel has estimates of the event rates and these need to be simulated to give an idea of the rate of hits in the ECAL. Post-digitisation, the plan is to initially combine the MAPS pixels into 1x1cm^2 pads equivalent to the standard ECAL pads. The number of pixels can then be scaled to give an equivalent measure to the standard analogue ECAL so they can be compared directly. This of course ignores much of the power of the MAPS granularity but will give a basic check that the MAPS does not degrade the measurement (we hope). As a quick step, a simple module to fake up the proper digitisation may be used so the subsequent code can be used. Schedule: Paul showed the latest Gantt chart, updated to reflect the later shuttle run date of 17 Apr; see usual web page. The three month delay in the first sensor fabrication has been absorbed by shortening the first test period by one month and the second sensor beam test period by two months. To compensate to some extent for this latter change, we will aim to put the first sensors in a beam test, rather than only sensors from the second round. CALICE will be running in the FNAL beam line later next year, which is the sensor test period but we also have access to the DESY electron beam line through the CALICE-DESY group contacts. By taking the four-layer cosmic sensor stack originally planned (in the PDR) and using this, then it should be straightforward to see tracks in a beam and it would give a much higher rate than the 0.01Hz assumed for cosmics. By adding various thicknesses of lead in front of the stack, it would be possible to sample EM showers at various radiation length depths, allowing a significant comparison of data with simulation. Konstantin commented that the second design period seems short, although it has not been squeezed relative to the original schedule. The six months allocated is not relaxed but is for (re)design of items which are only discovered during the tests. Things which are known to be missing, such as the on-sensor threshold DAC, can be designed starting as soon as the first sensor design is submitted. AoB: Marcel raised the issue about FNAL collaboration. FNAL have an ILC group which has been considering joining CALICE for some time. They also have very good facilities and significant effort. They have contacts in SiD (but not in the calorimetry side). Marcel has discussed the MAPS project with them and they seem interested in some level of collaboration. FNAL could clearly become a powerful institute in the ILC and so it would politicially be useful to have their support. However, the practical issues of using their facilities mean it would be difficult to do much more than exchange ideas for now. Marcel will remain in touch with them to see how things develop. Next meeting: TBD; either Wed 29 Nov or Thu 30 Nov. Also, the IDR will be on Mon 18 Dec.