CALICE MAPS Meeting, RAL, 31/08/07 ================================== Present: Jamie Ballin, Jamie Crooks, Paul Dauncey, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshi Mikami, Matt Noy, Marcel Stanitzki, Renato Turchetta, Giulio Villani Minutes: Paul Minutes of the previous meeting: Regarding naming the foundry, Renato said they have not yet given permission to be publically named. They would like to be sure of a positive story beforehand and so we will probably need to have "proof of success" first. Matt sent three USB_DAQ-to-sensor PCB cables to Marcel and Giulio and they have checked that they do indeed fit into the laser darkbox. Sensor design: JamieC showed some slides on the testing status and options for running the sensor; see the usual web page. The problem with running the monostables has been found to be due to one of the power connections being tied to VDDO rather than the same line as the other parts of the monostable. The other parts would normally operate at 1.8V while VDDO is the voltage for the I/O section of the sensor and hence was expected to be at 3.3V. This was not shown by the simulation as the separate parts of the circuit were studied independently with the power wired to each by hand. A check of the design back to the schematic should have revealed this also. It is clear that checks to prevent similar problems in the second fabrication round will be needed. The issue is now how to run the sensor for testing. Of Jamie's six options, then option 5a, to repair the fault on the sensors, was thought to be the best, assuming the price was around the expected few kpounds. Renato indicated that this technique was quite standard and widely used and so had little risk to the sensors. We would want to repair a significant number of sensors as the yield is not yet known; around 30-40 would be useful. The fallback plan was option 3, which required running parts of the sensor PCBs with a reduced voltage (2.1V rather than 3.3v). There are also problems with overlapping phi_1,2,3 clocks in the data logic. Reducing the speed by a factor of two has not cured the problem so Jamie suspects one clock may be being inverted. Matt will produce a firmware version with a much slower clock so that edge effects can be neglected. This issue has prevented a full check of the data logic so far. Jamie sees a linear response in the test structure analogue circuit but with a factor two less gain than the simulation indicates. However, the difference could be due to parasitic capacitance and buffering between the circuit and the measuring point which is not included in the simulation. Jamie will try to estimate the latter. He does not yet have a noise measurement from the analogue output but this should be possible when the sensor is run in the laser system. This should be done when Giulio returns from TWEPP in two weeks. Giulio has inspected wafers under the laser microscope. The epitaxial layer is not visible and so its thickness cannot be confirmed by this method. Marcel will distribute photos taken of these tests. Sensor simulation: Giulio is continuing with the simulations. He has done roughly half the points and now has a complete half sensor (albeit without any diodes outside the pixel so the edges are inaccurate). The two quadrants done so far look reasonably symmetric so the previous 21-point approximation may still be valid. He has sent the latest data to Anne-Marie for the physics simulation. Sensor testing: All three of the sensor PCBs have now had sensors mounted onto them. The third was a non-deep p-well sensor and this was found to have an error in one of the four readout columns. This should therefore be removed and the PCB used as a test of replacing a sensor. To run with the reduced power voltage (as per option 3 above) then the sensor PCBs need a straightforward modification to the regulator. One PCB has already been done and the other two should be changed when convenient. The PCB has been quite thoroughly tested now, including the test structure analogue output (coaxial connectors and buffers). As Valdimir is no longer around, Matt will order 20 more PCBs. Components for 12 have been ordered already and these will be assembled but without the power regulator being fitted. If the sensor repair works, these can be added at Imperial; if not, then a pin-compatible 2.1V replacement will be mounted instead. The only other change will be that a faster inverter will be used to allow higher speed switching. The PCBs will be ordered with a two-week fabrication and two-week assembly turnaround, which should match the timescale for repairing the sensors. Three sets of USB_DAQ adapter-to-sensor PCB cables have been made and two sets have been tested so far. A set takes about an hour to make and another set will be produced for each USB_DAQ board made. The laser system will need a cable for the test structure analogue coax output and PPD will buy this. The USB_DAQ-to-laser connection will require four IDC-to-BNC cables (two input and two output) which will probably need to be made up by hand; Matt will take care of this. Matt will also order the micro-USB-to-USB cables for the PC-to-USB_DAQ connection. Matt has ordered 15 PCBs of the USB_DAQ adapter boards and these are expected back within a few days. All components are in hand to make up 10 of these and they can be assembled at Imperial at a rate of around one per day. Matt has 13 PCBs of the USB_DAQ (V2) and 5 sets of components. These can be assembled at Imperial with a rate of around one every 1.5 days although this will be done by the same person as the adapter boards so they will alternate assembly of these. This would allow two pairs of the boards to be produced in a week. If Imperial have problems with the BGA components, then it would be possible to have the assembly done commercially but Matt would prefer it to be done in-house if possible. Vladimir has produced a layout for the USB_DAQ memory extension card. In principle this is ready to be fabricated but Matt would like another iteration first. Vladimir has the required design tools at Belgrade to allow him to work on this from there. Matt will contact him to ensure this is done. Marcel showed some slides (see first half of talk on usual web page) on the laser status. The handling of asynchronous processes in LabView is slowing down the DAQ laser control progress so this is not yet working. He has also got some more information on tungsten sheets and input from Birmingham on the mechanical structure and hence size of the plates is now needed. Paul has updated the coordinate system definition diagram, see usual web page, following discussion. The coordinate system now coincides with the usual view from above the PCB in a test system (which is the substrate side of the sensor) and with the row/column markings on the PCB itself. The x coordinate and column number are directly related, as are the y coordinate and the row number. Physics simulation: Yoshi showed some slides on Mokka studies; see talk on usual web page. He finds the clustering improves the resolution but degrades the linearity. It would presumably be possible to optimise the clustering for linearity instead but at some cost in resolution. There is a large study to be done on the best way to use the information. Anne-Marie showed some slides on various topics. She finds the energy deposit in the sensor varies depending on the GEANT4 options used although most of the differences are well above the threshold we expect to use. In particular, no options show a large increase in the spectrum at low energies, which would give a big sensitivity to the exact threshold value. She also has fixed the bug reported by Marcel previously and the two of them will meet at Imperial in the next few days so as to plan out the next steps. Anne-Marie has got a beam test geometry for Mokka running. It is not clear if this or Fluka would be the better approach and she and Nigel should come up with a proposal, as discussed at the previous meeting. Marcel showed the second part of his talk on his PFA studies. He noted that PandoraPFA is tuned for LDC00 rather than LDC01. The former has a much deeper calorimeter and so is intrinsically superior for PFA. He has a ttbar study running but really determining the origin of the different resolutions seen will be hard. Conferences: Giulio will talk at TWEPP next week and so had produced a draft of the talk, which he showed to the meeting. It was quite long given the talk time of 20mins and so suggestions of what to remove would be welcome. He can take comments by email over the weekend and the talk will be posted on the meetings web page so people can look through it again. The final version should be put on Marcel's talks web page. The IEEE talks (JamieC and Marcel) are both 12+3mins. We would hope to have some concrete results from at least the laser and analogue test structure for these talks. JamieB has produced a MAPS poster for the RAL summer school. Marcel should add this to the talks web page also. We should give a MAPS status report at the CALICE-UK meeting in Cambridge on Thu 20 Sep. JamieB volunteered to give this. The US ILC meeting (ALCPG) on Oct 22-26 is around the time of the IEEE and at least Marcel can attend. We could ask for two talks, one on the sensor tests and the other on physics studies with MAPS. Marcel will contact the organisers. Next meeting: Mon 17 Sep at 1pm in a PPD meeting room.