CALICE-UK Steering Board Meeting, Imperial, 26/03/07 ==================================================== Present: Roger Barlow, Paul Dauncey, Mike Green, Marcel Stanitzki, Matthew Wing By phone: Chris Hawkes, David Ward Minutes: Paul 1: Minutes of last meeting: No corrections. For matters arising; o Neither Nigel nor Mark was available to report on contacts with LCFI. Paul asked LCFI for a status report for the CALICE-UK general meeting tomorrow. Konstantin Stefanov will give this on behalf of LCFI. DaveB was not available for comments on connections with SiD. o David reported CALICE got only two talks at Vienna, rather than the four or five expected at the last meeting. o Steve Watts has now joined the Manchester group although any changes in the CALICE activites are still to be defined. o There were no other volunteers for the post of CALICE-UK meeting organiser, so DaveB has taken this on and has organised the talks for the meeting tomorrow. o The CALICE-UK SB phone meeting scheduled for Wed 14 Feb was cancelled. 2: General CALICE/ILC news: There was some discussion on the recent statements by Ray Orbach (Under Secretary for Science at the US DoE) on the timescale for the ILC. He stated that the US had to consider what it should be aiming for as the ILC may not turn on before the mid 2020s. Pier Oddone (head of FNAL) responded in a seminar that 2010 is a crossroads for HEP and big decisions must be made on this timescale. Reponses to these statements in the US have varied from feeling they must convince DoE to this being a first step to the US withdrawing from HEP. 3: CALICE Steering Board report: There have been no CALICE SB meetings since those reported during the last SBUK meeting in Nov. Recent email activity within the SB has mainly been concerning the preparations for the LCWS calorimetry R&D review. This will take place in parallel with the LCWS meeting iteself, which is Wed 30 May to Sun 3 Jun. The review will start with a open session on Thu 31 May and probably half of Fri 1 Jun. Closed sessions will take place for the rest of Fri 1 Jun and all day Sat 2 Jun. The feedback to the R&D groups will then occur on Mon 4 Jun. Although Paul had been assured by Chris Damerell that the reviews were R&D group based, not detector concept based, SiD has been allowed to present US R&D under its umbrella. This will include a "CALICE in SiD" talk, which could cause significant problems for us. Jean-Claude Brient circulated a draft outline of the talks with some tentative names for speakers just before the meeting; see document on SBUK web area. There are ten talks; the first set cover the separate calorimeter types while the second set cover R&D which is common to all calorimeters. The latter includes a software talk, although Paul expressed reservations as we are not claiming to do software R&D for the ILC but are simply using the software as a tool. For the UK, Jean-Claude has put Paul down for the ECAL talk (Jean-Claude himself cannot attend the review), Matthew down for the DAQ talk and David down for the beam test results talk (with Erika as a back-up in case David is not available). Paul and David will be able to attend but Matthew cannot go. Alternatives for the DAQ would be Paul (who would then not give the ECAL talk) and DaveB. There will be a practise talk session on Fri 25 May at DESY. 4: CALICE Technical Board report: There have been several meetings of the TB but neither David nor Paul can attend many of them as they are often scheduled at short notice. The main upcoming activity will be the Technical Review at DESY on Thu 19 Apr to Fri 20 Apr. This will mainly concentrate on the readiness of preparations for CERN although it will also touch on the move to FNAL later in the year, integration of the DHCAL(s) and SCECAL, and the implications of the EUDET work. David cannot attend this review, so Paul is likely to be the only UK person there (and he cannot arrive before lunchtime on the first day). 5: CALICE Speakers Bureau report: David reported that the rules for approval of talks before conferences had been released on the Speakers Bureau web page. This includes a Wiki for sharing plots and other information. The first application of thes rules had been for the Vienna conference for which there had been two (non-UK) talks. These had been circulated beforehand (although one was somewhat late) so it is hoped that the culture will become established. Note, approval is needed only for talks which use the common data from the beam test although the Speakers Bureau should be kept informed of other talks also. The first big test of the system will be for LCWS, where documents describing the analyses to be released are required. The first showing of any results will be the beam test results talk during the review, with subsequent parallel talks giving more detail on the separate analyses. The Speakers Bureau will organise practise talks beforehand for all speakers. 6: EUDET report: Matthew reported that the EUDET timelines have become more aggressive as the European DHCAL plans are advancing quickly. They are aiming for a 1x1m^2 layer of the DHCAL by the end of 2007 to be read out with the old DAQ, but then move to a 1x1x1m^3 fully equiped DHCAL by the end of 2008, read with the new DAQ. There are frequent meetings with the French groups to coordinate this work. If the project manages to deliver to these timescales, it will have been useful as a lot will be learned, but the danger is clearly that short-term fixes will get in the way of the longer-term R&D. The budget implications of this extra work were discussed. There will be some savings from the PPARC budget (mostly from using a commercial card rather than a custom board for the ODR) and there are some EUDET equipment funds so Matthew thinks the budget will balance. Also, the scope of some of the work has changed; e.g. Cambridge will not be doing so much on signal transmission on long PCBs. 7: Connections to LCFI and global detectors: No report, although we should find out more at the LCUK meeting at RHUL on Fri 13 Apr. 8: Project Manager report and OsC status: Mike reported on the last OsC meeting which took place on Wed 28 Nov. This went well; much better than the first meeting, which was probably because the OsC got the paperwork well in advance. In fact, the paperwork had been submitted in time for the meeting's original date in Sep, which gave time for the OsC to send a list of questions back and for us to respond to these. This system was thought to have worked well, and so we will repeat this in future. This does mean the documentation is needed relatively early. The documents for the next OsC meeting need to be submitted on Thu 31 May. Mike proposes to detail the budget in this submission to the end of FY06/07, rather than include an extra month or so. Mike also proposes that we should submit the actual expenditure on salaries, rather than the nominal values from the grant with only start and end date adjustments (as done previously). Hence, the SBUK members will need to obtain these figures from their institutes in advance. Mike said the changes to salaries from the grant values due to the Framework Agreement will be compensated, but not other salary increases. The next OsC was originally scheduled for Thu 28 Jun but this is no longer possible for the panel. Hence, it is likely to take place on Tue 3 Jul. Paul is on the LOC for PASCOS07 at Imperial and this conference takes place that week, so it is not clear if he can attend. It was suggested that Matthew and Nigel (representing WP2 and WP3/5, respectively, i.e. covering the largest budget WPs) could attend instead. Paul will check with PPARC on this. 9: Budget/finance status: Paul went through the budget status. We have used 47k of travel this year out of 75k, although there is alway some lag in claims registering in the RAL financial database so the actual figure will be higher. However, it is clear we are heading for an underspend in travel in this FY. This will be useful as with the beam tests being pushed more into FY07/08, we will need more travel funds than originally foreseen in the next FY. The spend on WP requisitions is small as expected, except for the WP2 purchase of an optic switch, which was foreseen in a later FY. The cost to WP3 for the deep p-well process (resulting in a call on the Working Allowance as discussed previously) was split with RAL and no VAT was paid, so it will cost us only 15k, rather than the 30k previously stated as an upper limit. The biggest financial concern is the effort cost of the engineers in the RAL Microelectronics Group working on WP3. The salary cost was estimated in the grant as 87k for this FY, we had previously seen a rate implying more like 94k but the cost claimed now is 120k, which is an overspend of 33k, representing ~40%. Mike and Paul have made no real progress on getting this refunded, in part because the people at RAL do not reply to emails. They will try to meet with the RAL admin in person to sort this problem out. 10: UK preparations for CERN run: The dates of the CERN run for 2007 are now fixed. There will be two periods; one from Wed 4 Jul to Wed 18 Jul and the second, starting three weeks later, from Wed 8 Aug to Wed 22 Aug. We will again occupy the H6B beam line area. Installation will take place from immediately after the end of the LCWS conference, i.e. early Jun, and it is hoped that there will be time for at least two weeks of parasitic muon running before the first period. The equipment will be left in situ throughout Sep in case a further period of beam becomes available. (It will then be sent back DESY to be shipped to FNAL in Oct.) For the 2006 runs, the UK rented an apartment and a car for the whole period. This seemed to work well and it was agreed that we should do the same for 2007, if possible. As apartments will probably go by calendar month, Paul will ask Mary Elizabeth for an apartment for three months, i.e. Jun-Aug, in the first instance and a car from mid Jun. The cost of the apartment will be ~2500CHF/month and the car will be ~1000CHF/month, which will be a total of ~10500CHF or ~5k. No ECAL coordinator for the run has been found yet. Jean-Claude thinks there are no people in the French groups with enough experience. Within the UK, Anne-Marie, Fabrizio and George were considered as possibilities; they should be asked and a person put in place asap. 11: Upcoming meetings, UK attendence: The next CALICE general meeting will be at Kobe from Thu 10 May to Sat 12 May. UK attendence may be limited; the people who were thought might be able to attend were: o Birmingham: Nigel? Yoshi? o Cambridge: George? o Imperial: Anne-Marie, Paul? (plus PPARC students; Hakan? Jamie?) o Manchester: Dave? o RAL: Mike o RHUL: Michele o UCL: Valeria which is only four definites and up to five others from out budget. We should try to get presentations on most of the WPs' progress; from the above, some tentative assignments were: o WP2: Valeria and Paul or Dave o WP3: Paul, Nigel or Yoshi o WP4: Dave o WP5: Nigel It was assumed that WP1 work would be covered by analysis talks. Note, registration is open so people should register as soon as possible. For the LCWS conference, the people who can attend are: o Birmingham: Nigel? Yoshi? o Cambridge: David, Mark, Wenbiao, George? o Imperial: Anne-Marie, Paul, (Hakan?, Jamie?) o Manchester: Roger (and others?) o RAL: Mike, Marcel, Giulio, Konstantin o RHUL: Michele, Fabrizio? o UCL: Valeria This seems a reasonable number given the importance of this meeting. Anyone going should be expecting to give a talk. There is an LCUK meeting at RHUL on Fri 13 Apr and Fabrizio will give the CALICE status report. There is an ILC software meeting at LAL/Orsay on Wed 2 May to Fri 4 May with a DAQ software meeting on the morning on Wed 2 May. Wenbiao, Michele and possibly Nigel are able to go. For the DAQ, it was not clear who would go, if anyone. Upcoming conferences in 2007: o EPS: 19-25 Jul, Manchester. There will be many parallel sessions, including ones on detectors and DAQ. Convenors are being appointed now. Abstract submission is supposed to be by 1 Apr, but abstracts submitted after this will be considered with a lower priority. o GEANT4 collaboration workshop: 13-19 Sep, Hebden Bridge. This is supposedly for users as well as developers. o Vertex 2007: 23-28 Sep, Lake Placid, US. o IEEE/NSS: 28 Oct-3 Nov, Honolulu, Hawaii, US. Generally, for abstract submission, David will handle centrally ones concerning the beam tests while Matthew and Paul will organise ones for DAQ and MAPS, respectively. 12: Workpackage reports - David/Matthew/Paul/Dave/Nigel o WP1: The data are being test reconstructed in preparation for a full reconstruction in a few weeks. The simulation production has not yet got going, although Fabrizio and Nigel have produced some events. For the electronics, Matt Warren has been fixing the broken channels in the CRCs and has done a very good job, with most CRCs now being fully operational. The AHCAL and movable stage will almost definitely be ready for the CERN runs, although the ECAL is unlikely to be complete in time. o WP2: There will be changes to the Gantt chart due to the EUDET work. Mike commented that the OsC seemed more interested in the EUDET prototypes than the longer term R&D, so this would probably not be a big issue. Otherwise, things are moving reasonably on schedule and to budget. o WP3: The Final Design Review (FDR) of the first sensor was nominally held on Wed 28 Feb, when aiming for a submission date of Mon 12 Mar. However, the design was not complete and so the rest of the review will take place at the end of this week, i.e Fri 30 Mar. Fortunately a later submission date of Mon 23 Apr is now possible and so will not incur as large a delay as feared. This date is almost the same as was assuming three months ago (before the foundry pulled it forward by a month) and so WP3 is now back to a three-month delay compared to the original schedule. The sensor will come back from fabrication in mid Jul. o WP4: The glue studies are now complete and the results have been presented to CALICE. The robot assembly test station is being built now. The thermal work is stalled until a more concrete module design becomes available. o WP5: There was no report from Nigel. David stated that the PFA work had led to an improved result of 30%/sqrt(E) up to 100GeV jets; previously, this resolution had only been achieved for 50GeV or below. Currently, only Cambridge and RHUL are contributing to longer term physics studies, although the first year student at Imperial, Jamie Ballin, is starting to look at HZ events for his first year report. 13: Next meeting: The next SBUK meeting will be on Wed 19 Sep, by phone. 14: AoB: None.