function [status,result] = gptcom(command,gptdir) % function [status,result] = gptcom(command,gptdir) % % Function GPTCOM - execute command in GPT % % GPTCOM allows GPT code to be executed from the Matlab command line, to % allow the analysis of GPT data in Matlab. The command to be executed % is passed directly to DOS using the Matlab SYSTEM command. The GPT % output is always echoed to the Matlab command window. % % gptcom('command') - executes COMMAND in the GPT binary directory eg: % % gptcom('gpt -v -o rfq.gdf') ; % % ...executes the command 'gpt -v -o rfq.gdf' as if it had been % run in the GPT command window. The default GPT directory is % C:\Program Files\General Particle Tracer\bin. % % gptcom('command',gptdir) - runs COMMAND in the alternative directory % GPTDIR. This is used if the GPT binaries are not stored in the % default directory given above. % % [status,result] = gptcom('...') - returns the STATUS and RESULT % variables from the SYSTEM command. % Check input and output variables if nargin > 2 error('Can only specify 2 input arguments: [status,result] = gptcom(command,gptdir)') ; elseif nargin < 1 error('Must specify at least 1 input argument: gptcom(command)') ; elseif nargout > 2 error('Can only specify 2 output arguments: [status,result] = gptcom(command,gptdir)') ; end if nargin < 2 comptype = computer ; curdir = cd ; bsfs = filesep ; if ispc if strcmp(comptype(end-1:end),'64') gptdir = ['C:\PROGRA~2\GENERA~1\bin\'] ; license = winqueryreg('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pulsar Physics\General Particle Tracer\2.8', 'ProductID') ; else gptdir = ['C:\PROGRA~1\GENERA~1\bin\'] ; license = winqueryreg('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\Pulsar Physics\General Particle Tracer\2.8', 'ProductID') ; end elseif ismac gptdir = ['~/gpt/bin/'] ; end end if ~ischar(command) error('GPT COMMAND variable must be a string') ; elseif ~ischar(gptdir) error('GPTDIR variable must be a string') ; end if ~strcmp(gptdir(end),filesep) gptdir(end+1) = filesep ; end % Add license information to run GPT if strmatch('gpt', command) == 1 command = [command ' GPTLICENSE=' license] ; end gptexec = [gptdir command] ; disp(' ') ; disp([command]) ; disp(' ') ; [status,result] = system(gptexec,'-echo') ; return