This is the cut-and-paste version of Gordon's software tutorial (using 4.1.5 instead of 3.8.7):

source /vols/cms/grid/
scram list CMSSW
(for 32 bit releases: export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_ia32_gcc434)
find release you need here:
scram project CMSSW CMSSW_4_1_5
cd CMSSW_4_1_5
(only ever use src directory)

cd src/
mkdir -p Tutorial/Exercise
cd Tutorial/Exercise
mkdir src
mkdir test
mkdir python
mkdir interface

cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/BuildFile .

cd test
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/ .
voms-proxy-init -voms cms

[edit config_cfg to add GoodVertex filter]

in CMSSW_4_1_5/src/Tutorial/Exercise/test:
run the (framework) code: cmsRun

to look up CMS code: cmslxr

now replace the GoodVertexFilter with our own setting with the equivalent standard setting using 'DPGAnalysis.Skims.goodvertexSkim_cff' (new config file) and check it still runs.

Find at least two muons in an event: The Filter
Copy the analysis code skeleton to the appropriate places:
cd src [this is now: CMSSW_4_1_5/src/Tutorial/Exercise/src/]

cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/
cd ../interface
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/Filter.h TwoMuonFilter.h

Use edmFileUtil to list the branches in one of the data files [data file name take from from]:
edmFileUtil -P /store/data/Run2010B/Mu/RECO/N
ov4ReReco_v1/0001/F447BC06-38EC-DF11-ACBD-485B39800B8A.root | grep -i muon
This is probably the right bit:
Branch 270 of Events tree: recoMuons_muons__RECO. Total size = 105261
In CMS speak, recoMuons is the class, muons the collection ('the producer') and RECO the process.

There seems to be nothing about compiling the code in the tutorial, I guess that came appeared in the lectures.
After a bit of digging, this seems to work:
in CMSSW_4_1_5 (it seems to work in lower dirs as well, but at some point it gets confused):
scram build -c (do only once)
scram b
or scram b -v (for degugging)
(now what's the equivalent of gmake clean ? 'scram b clean' apparently. And should I be using scramv1 ? No, cause they are identical. Do I show my age here ?)
After adding a bunch of header files, the code snippet now compiles, lets try cmsRun again - it works:
Begin processing the 5000th record. Run 148862, Event 129672331, LumiSection 80 at 13-May-2011 14:30:34.033 BST
13-May-2011 14:30:34 BST Closed file dcap://
For reference, here is TwoMuonFilter.h, and (updated to include the TwoMuonFilter) at this stage.

Adding a new particle to the event
in CMSSW_4_1_5/src/Tutorial/Exercise/src
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/Producer.h ../interface/ParentProducer.h
Edit them to add a new LeafCandidate.
Here is the result: ParentProducer.h,,
(Note that you need to specify in the contructor what you are about to produce.)

Analyse the event and make a few histograms
in CMSSW_4_1_5/src/Tutorial/Exercise/src
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/Analyser.h ../interface/ParentAnalyser.h
Edit to add some histograms (the magic of TFileService): the output file is added in the cfg file, not the code.
Here is the analysis code:, ParentAnalyser.h,
cmsRun Exercise/test/ > whole_chain.log 2>&1
Haven't dealt with ROOT in a while:
root exercise.root
root [1] .ls
TFile** exercise.root
TFile* exercise.root
KEY: TDirectoryFile parentAnalyser;1 parentAnalyser
root [2] parentAnalyser->cd()
root [3] .ls
TDirectoryFile* parentAnalyser parentAnalyser
KEY: TH1F hMass;1 #mu-#mu opposite-sign mass
Here is the result. I've found a J/psi :-)

I am basically done, but while I am at it, I am just going to finish the tutorial.

Detour: Parameters
To define a set of parameters (as opposed to hardcoding them), CMS uses python (goes in CMSSW_4_1_5/src/Tutorial/Exercise/python). Here is the file (
Next do 'scram b' again, this makes parentProducer_cff.pyc.
Then edit to pick up the parameters from the config file and edit to load the default configuration.

CMS Dataset Bookkeeping System (DBS)
Find you data here. For this example analysis we are using '/Mu/Run2010B-Nov4ReReco_v1/RECO'. After getting the results (click 'Search'), click on 'cff' in "LFNs: cff, py, plain", for a cut-and-pastable list to add file to the config file.

CRAB ("CMS Remote Analysis Builder")
CMS internal CRAB webpage.
*After* setting up the cms software area etc do:
source /vols/cms/grid/CRAB/current/ copy crab config skeleton from Gordon's area:
in Tutorial/Exercise/test/
cp /home/hep/gfball/tutorial/ crab.cfg .
Edit to taste (note comments in the file where it has gone wrong).
crab -create -submit
crab -status
The results will be stored in /pnfs/ on gfe02.

Some relevant header Files: