EMI 1 Top Bdii

The official link.
This install refers to EMI1 Update 18.

(0) Preliminaries
yum clean all
yum install yum-priorities
yum install yum-protectbase

(1) Get the repos
(a) EMI
wget emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/1/sl5/x86_64/updates/emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm
rpm -i emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm
(b) EPEL
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
rpm -i epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
[root@topbdii02 ~]# ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Media.repo emi1-base.repo emi1-updates.repo epel-testing.repo
CentOS-Debuginfo.repo CentOS-Vault.repo emi1-third-party.repo epel.repo ICHEP.repo

(2) Install and configure the software
yum install openldap2.4
yum install emi-bdii-top
in /etc/hosts.allow add slapd:ALL
cd /opt/glite/yaim/
mkdir siteinfo
chmod 700 siteinfo
/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /opt/glite/yaim/siteinfo/siteinfo-topbdii01.def -n BDII_top

(3) Check it works and add a monitoring cron job
/usr/bin/ldapsearch -LLL -x -h topbdii01.grid.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk:2170 -b mds-vo-name=UKI-LT2-IC-HEP,mds-vo-name=local,o=grid | wc -l
should have more than 10000 entries.
I use this script to monitor if the bdii is up.