Upgrading the UI

A note on fetch-crl and tarballs: Oh dear.

glite 3.2

1. Documentation

Release webpage.
UI release webpage. The IC install is via tarball.

2. Getting and unpacking the tar balls

Log into lx06 as dguser: "kinit dbauer" then "ssh dguser@lx06"
cd /vols/grid/glite/tarball/ui
Update: These days, do it centrally: root@lt2install and /vols/grid/ui/. Tarballs go in the 'tarball' directory.

Download "tarball" and "user dependencies for tarball". The easiest way is to use wget:
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-UI/SL5_x86_64/glite-UI-3.2.N-N.tar.gz
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-UI/SL5_x86_64/glite-UI-3.2.N-N-external.tar.gz

Here I am installing [version = 3.2.N-N].
mkdir /vols/grid/glite/ui/[version]
cd /vols/grid/glite/ui/[version]
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/ui/glite-UI-3.2.N-N.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/ui/glite-UI-3.2.N-N-external.tar.gz

3. Preparing the files for configuration (hacks)

cd /vols/grid/glite/config/ui (site-info.def files for ui stored here)
The vo.d directory needs to be in the same directory as the site-info.def. For our install it's a link.

3.2.5: In config_glite_ui add: yaimgridenv_set GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE "20000,25000"
in config_glite_ui_setenv (Savannah ticket.)

4. Configuration

[dguser@lx06 ui]$ pwd
/vols/grid/glite/ui/3.2.N-N/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info-ui-3.2.N-N.def -n UI_TAR

glite 3.1 (lx07)

1. Documentation

The instructions from CERN start here.

The glite 3.1. release is available here.
Under "Available deployment modules / node types" look for "gLite-UI (first entry)" and Installation via tarball.

2. Getting and unpacking the tar balls

Log into lx07 as dguser: "kinit dbauer" then "ssh dguser@lx07"
cd /vols/grid/glite/tarball/ui
Download "tarball" and "user dependencies for tarball" (do not use PPS (- under development) versions)

Here I am installing [version = 3.1.22-0].
mkdir /vols/grid/glite/ui/[version] (release version I am installing)
cd /vols/grid/glite/ui/[version]
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/ui/glite-UI-3.1.22-0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/ui/glite-UI-3.1.22-0-external.tar.gz

3. Preparing the files for configuration

cd /vols/grid/glite/config/ui (site-info.def files for ui stored here)
The file used is: site-info-ui-3.1.22-0.def.

Further preparation:
vo.d: Currently YAIM expects the vo.d dir to be located in the same directory as the site-info.def. Our vo.d sits in /vols/grid/glite/config/ (-> make a link).
[dguser@lx07 ui]$ pwd
[dguser@lx07 ui]$ ls -l
vo.d -> ../vo.d/

The 'vomsdir': The CERN instructions are somewhat contradictory.
The easy way out (for the time being) is to make a link pointing
$INSTALL_ROOT/external/etc/grid-security/vomsdir to ${GRID_DIR}/vomsdir
while still setting X509_VOMS_DIR=${GRID_DIR}/vomsdir
That way all possibilities should be covered.
Of course, this assumes ${GRID_DIR}/vomsdir is up-to-date.
[dguser@lx07 grid-security]$ pwd
[dguser@lx07 grid-security]$ ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 dguser res0 24 Oct 29 14:51 vomsdir -> /vols/grid/glite/vomsdir

4. Configuration

[dguser@lx07 ui]$ pwd
According to instructions:
/vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info-ui-3.1.22-0.def -n UI_TAR
Note: The yaim script can be found in /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0-test3/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
and the log file: /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0-test3/glite/yaim/log/yaimlog

5. Differences to current version

the 'vomses' directory: As this version of the UI contains many more VOs than the previous version, the 'vomses' dir is different from the default version on lx07 and might need updating by hand:
/vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0/glite/etc/vomses The content of this directory gets made from the VO section of the site-info.def and vo.d, so these need to be brought up to date, so not all the changes get wiped out when re-running yaim.

6. FTS

When initially setting up the UI, it defaulted to the wrong FTS:

voms-proxy-init --debug --voms dteam
glite-transfer-channel-list -v
Using endpoint https://fts-t2-service.cern.ch:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/ChannelManagement

This should be set to RAL and I was do it by hand:

glite-transfer-channel-list -v -s https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/ChannelManagement

In site-info.def FTS_SERVER_URL="https://lcgfts.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/"
which generates /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0/glite/etc/services.xml
After a lengthy conversation with fts-support@cern.ch it turns out that GLITE_SD_SERVICES_XML should be set to /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0/glite/etc/services.xml and GLITE_SD_PLUGIN to "file".
A bit of digging revealed that this variable is set in /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0/glite/yaim/functions/config_glite_ui.
It's hardcoded to be yaimgridenv_set GLITE_SD_PLUGIN "bdii,rgma" and also there seems no way to set the GLITE_SD_SERVICES_XML variable, except by hand.
After editing config_glite_ui to set GLITE_SD_PLUGIN to "file, bdii, rgma" (it only seems to use the first one, related to this bug ?) and adding
yaimgridenv_set GLITE_SD_PLUGIN "file,bdii,rgma"
yaimgridenv_set GLITE_SD_SERVICES_XML ${INSTALL_ROOT}/glite/etc/services.xml
it now seems to work.

Example site-info.def: /vols/grid/glite/ui/[version]/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo

The official source of site-info.def variables.

Main modifications I made to site-info.def wrt to the last version:

1. Added X509_CERT_DIR=${GRID_DIR}/certificates/

2. The list of vos and the content of the vo.d directory is taken from here (VOS) and here (vo.d).
As vo.londongrid.ac.uk currently only seems to be supported by the ral wms, I modified the vo.londongrid.ac.uk file to read
[dguser@lx07 ui]$ more vo.d/vo.londongrid.ac.uk
WMS_HOSTS="lcgwms02.gridpp.rl.ac.uk lcgwms01.gridpp.rl.ac.uk wms00.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk"

VOMSES="'vo.londongrid.ac.uk voms.gridpp.ac.uk 15021 /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Manchester/L=HEP/CN=voms.gridpp.ac.uk/Email=hostmaster@hep.man.ac.uk vo.londongrid.ac.uk'"
VOMS_CA_DN='/C=UK/O=eScienceCA/CN=UK e-Science CA'
Note that above webpage does not give
This gets written to /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0-test3/glite/etc/vo.londongrid.ac.uk/glite_wms.conf and glite_wmsui.conf.

3. Testing a site-info.def file:
"source site-info.def" is by far the fastest way to find syntax errors. Just don't try and use it in a tcsh ;-)
/vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.22-0-test3/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -v -s site-info-ui-3.1.22-0-best-effort.def -n glite-UI_TAR

When running this for the CE, the following variables which the UI ignored had to be added:
CE_PHYSCPU=1200 #number of slots (cores)
QUEUES="q30min q72h"
# Variable names cannot start with numbers (even though the queues actually can ?!)
Q30MIN_GROUP_ENABLE="ops dteam"

Upgrade note to version 3.1.33-0

cd /vols/grid/glite/tarball/ui
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-UI/SL4_i686/glite-UI-3.1.33-0-external.tar.gz
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-UI/SL4_i686/glite-UI-3.1.33-0.tar.gz
cd /vols/grid/glite/ui/
mkdir 3.1.33-0
cd 3.1.33-0
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/ui/glite-UI-3.1.33-0-external.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/ui/glite-UI-3.1.33-0.tar.gz

cd /vols/grid/glite/config/ui
Edit siteinfo.def.
Note: users.conf/groups.conf (in /vols/grid/glite/config) need to be updated once the new CE is online.
FTS: cd /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.33-0/glite/yaim/functions
edit config_glite_ui:
yaimgridenv_set GLITE_SD_PLUGIN "bdii,rgma" -> yaimgridenv_set GLITE_SD_PLUGIN "file, bdii,rgma"
add line
yaimgridenv_set GLITE_SD_SERVICES_XML ${INSTALL_ROOT}/glite/etc/services.xml
directly after in function config_glite_ui_setenv.
cd /vols/grid/glite/config/ui
/vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.33-0/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info-ui-3.1.33-0.def -n UI_TAR

source /vols/grid/glite/ui/3.1.33-0/external/etc/profile.d/grid-env.csh
voms-proxy-init --debug --voms dteam
glite-wms-job-submit -a -o new_ui.log glite-submit.jdl
glite-transfer-channel-list -v
(The above should point to RAL.)