Tar ball install of a worker node

Note: the X509 variables need to be added by hand, even in glite 3.2.12!!

glite 3.2 (version 3.2.11-0)
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL5_x86_64//glite-WN-3.2.11-0.sl5.tar.gz

glite 3.2 (version 3.2.10-0)

(a) Get the software and untar it
[root@lt2install tarball]# pwd
mkdir 3.2.10-0
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL5_x86_64//glite-WN-3.2.10-0.sl5.tar.gz
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL5_x86_64//glite-WN-3.2.10-0.sl5-external.tar.gz
cd /vols/grid/wn/
mkdir 3.2.10-0
tar -zxvf ../tarball/3.2.10-0/glite-WN-3.2.10-0.sl5.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../tarball/3.2.10-0/glite-WN-3.2.10-0.sl5-external.tar.gz

(b)Check if siteinfo.def is up-to-date and run yaim
files are in: /vols/grid/wn/config
Check the 'known issues'. Translation: We never nothered to test this even once before releasing it into the wild.
/vols/grid/wn/3.2.10-0/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /vols/grid/wn/config/site-info-wn-3.2.10-0.def -n WN_TAR
Check if script looks sensible:

(c) Hacks
/vols/grid/wn/3.2.10-0/glite/yaim/node-info.d/glite-wn_tar: remove config_glite_saga
In functions/config_lcgenv add
if [ "$X509_CERT_DIR" ]; then
yaimgridenv_set X509_CERT_DIR $X509_CERT_DIR

if [ "$X509_VOMS_DIR" ]; then
yaimgridenv_set X509_VOMS_DIR $X509_VOMS_DIR

Atlas Set an extra variable for out local CVMFS install:
in /vols/grid/wn/3.2.11-0/external/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh

glite 3.2 (version 3.2.5-0)
(from memory and the history file)

on lx06
cd /vols/grid/glite/tarball
mkdir wn-3.2.5-0
cd wn-3.2.5-0
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL5_x86_64/glite-WN-3.2.5-0.tar.gz
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL5_x86_64/glite-WN-3.2.5-0-external.tar.gz
cd /vols/grid/glite/wn/
mkdir 3.2.5-0
cd 3.2.5-0
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/wn-3.2.5-0/glite-WN-3.2.5-0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/wn-3.2.5-0/glite-WN-3.2.5-0-external.tar.gz
cd /vols/grid/glite/config
/vols/grid/glite/wn/3.2.5-0/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info-wn-3.2.5-0.def -n WN_TAR

In functions/config_lcgenv add
if [ "$X509_CERT_DIR" ]; then
yaimgridenv_set X509_CERT_DIR $X509_CERT_DIR

if [ "$X509_VOMS_DIR" ]; then
yaimgridenv_set X509_VOMS_DIR $X509_VOMS_DIR

This seems to have been fixed in 3.1, but wasn't fixed in this version of 3.2.

glite 3.1

on lx07
cd /vols/grid/glite/tarball/
mkdir wn-3.1.33-0_32bit
cd wn-3.1.33-0_32bit
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL4_i686/glite-WN-3.1.33-0.tar.gz
wget http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/download/relocatable/glite-WN/SL4_i686/glite-WN-3.1.33-0-external.tar.gz
cd /vols/grid/glite/wn
mkdir 3.1.33-0_32bit
cd 3.1.33-0_32bit
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/wn-3.1.33-0_32bit/glite-WN-3.1.33-0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../../tarball/wn-3.1.33-0_32bit/glite-WN-3.1.33-0-external.tar.gz
cd /vols/grid/glite/config
/vols/grid/glite/wn/3.1.33-0_32bit/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -v -s site-info-wn-3.1.33-0_32bit.def -n WN_TAR
(note: Apart from the officially compulsory variables, it turns out GLITE_LOCATION needs to be set as well.) To avoid having YAIM complain about the node I am running on not being in the wn list (this has already been filed as a bug for tarball installation), I add lx07 in the wn.list

To test the enviroment on one worker node:
On ce00:/etc/sge-jobmanager
edit job.preamble:
if [ `hostname` == "wd00.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk" ]; then
. /vols/grid/glite/wn/3.1.33-0_32bit/external/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh
elif [ `hostname` == "we077.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk" ]; then
. /vols/grid/glite/wn/3.1.33-0_32bit/external/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh
. /vols/grid/glite/wn/3.1.4-1/glite/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh

So far so good.
test on lx08 (bash !!!)
source /vols/grid/glite/wn/3.1.33-0_32bit/external/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh
voms-proxy-init --debug --voms dteam causes complaints about missing certificates, set directory by hand:
export X509_CERT_DIR=/vols/grid/glite/certificates/
Why does yaim not attempt this and is this really necessary ? It's certainly in the old script.
lcg-cp -v -D srmv2 srm://cit-se2.ultralight.org:8443/srm/v2/server?SFN=/mnt/hadoop/store/PhEDEx_LoadTest07/LoadTest07_Prod_Caltech/LoadTest07_Caltech_32 srm://gfe02.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/data/cms/store/PhEDEx_LoadTest07/LoadTest07_Debug_US_Caltech/UK_London_IC/1/LoadTest07_Caltech_32_r89jtpNmvaD81N9B_1
now seems to work.

I seems that the tar ball does have issues after all if the certificates are not in /etc/grid-security/certificates. I don't want to debug this right now, so I add these lines at the end of config_lcgenv ## this is a hack, but I don't want to debug it now, so I add
if [ "$X509_CERT_DIR" ]; then
yaimgridenv_set X509_CERT_DIR $X509_CERT_DIR

if [ "$X509_VOMS_DIR" ]; then
yaimgridenv_set X509_VOMS_DIR $X509_VOMS_DIR

at the endof config_lcgenv. This seems to fix the problem.

A note on fetch-crl.sh.