After much searching and a cash injection from the bank of Opa we bought a house in London. All 70 m^2 of it :-) Here's some picture from the time when we moved in. It looks slightly nicer now - Isabella is a keen if not always successful gardener ;-)

The front side. By now (2009) we have a new door in bright red, flowers in front of the kitchen window and an anti-cat hedge. I hate cat poop.

The garden on the day we moved in. After we cut back the jungle it turned out most of the garden is actually paved, we are now slowly removing some of the stones - the rose looks much happier now that its water intake has doubled and the weeds have been removed. And I've got a little fir tree which (if it survives) I should be able to decorate every Christmas.

I painted the wall blue myself, but the fish are stickers.