
Geometry navigator control setup.

Sub-directories :

Commands :


Reset navigator and navigation history.
NOTE: must be called only after kernel has been
initialized once through the run manager!

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

verbose [level]

Set run-time verbosity for the navigator.
0 : Silent (default)
1 : Display volume positioning and step lengths
2 : Display step/safety info on point location
3 : Display minimal state at -every- step
4 : Maximum verbosity (very detailed!)
NOTE: this command has effect -only- if Geant4 has
been installed with the G4VERBOSE flag set!

Range : level >=0 && level <=4

Available at all Geant4 states.

level type i Omittable : default value = 0

check_mode [checkFlag]

Set navigator in -check_mode- state.
This will cause extra checks to be applied during
navigation. More strict and less tolerant conditions
are applied. A run-time performance penalty may be
observed when the -check_mode- state is activated.
NOTE: this command has effect -only- if Geant4 has
been installed with the G4VERBOSE flag set!

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

checkFlag type b Omittable : default value = 0