
Geometry verification control setup.
Helps in detecting possible overlapping regions.

Sub-directories :

Commands :

tolerance [Tolerance] [Unit]

Set error tolerance value.
Initial default value: 1E-4*mm.

Available at all Geant4 states.

Tolerance type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Unit type s Omittable : default value = mm Parameter candidates : pc km m cm mm um nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi

position [X] [Y] [Z] [Unit]

Set starting position for the line_test.

Available at all Geant4 states.

X type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Y type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Z type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Unit type s Omittable : default value = cm Parameter candidates : pc km m cm mm um nm Ang fm parsec kilometer meter centimeter millimeter micrometer nanometer angstrom fermi

direction [Px] [Py] [Pz] [Unit]

Set momentum direction for the line_test.
Direction needs not to be a unit vector.

Range : Px != 0 || Py != 0 || Pz != 0

Available at all Geant4 states.

Px type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Py type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Pz type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Unit type s

line_test [recursionFlag]

Performs test along a single specified direction/position.
Use position and direction commands to change default.
Initial default: position(0,0,0), direction(0,0,1).
If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks
will be performed recursively in the geometry tree.

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

recursionFlag type b Omittable : default value = 0

grid_cells [X] [Y] [Z]

Define resolution of grid geometry as number of cells,
specifying them for each dimension, X, Y and Z.
Will be applied to grid_test and recursive_test commands.
Initial default values: X=100, Y=100, Z=100.

Available at all Geant4 states.

X type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Y type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
Z type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

grid_test [recursionFlag]

Start running the default grid test.
A grid of lines parallel to a cartesian axis is used;
By default, only direct daughters of the mother volumes are checked.
If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks
will be performed recursively in the geometry tree.
NOTE: the recursion may take a very long time,
depending on the geometry complexity !

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

recursionFlag type b Omittable : default value = 0

cylinder_geometry [nPhi] [nZ] [nRho]

Define details of the cylinder geometry, specifying:
nPhi - number of lines per Phi
nZ - number of Z points
nRho - number of Rho points
Will be applied to the cylinder_test command.
Initial default values: nPhi=90, nZ=50, nRho=50.

Available at all Geant4 states.

nPhi type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
nZ type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.
nRho type d Omittable : current value is used as the default value.

cylinder_scaleZ [fracZ]

Define the resolution of the cylinder geometry, specifying
the fraction scale for points along Z.
Initial default values: fracZ=0.8

Available at all Geant4 states.

fracZ type d Omittable : default value = 0.8

cylinder_scaleRho [fracRho]

Define the resolution of the cylinder geometry, specifying
the fraction scale for points along Rho.
Initial default values: fracRho=0.8

Available at all Geant4 states.

fracRho type d Omittable : default value = 0.8

cylinder_test [recursionFlag]

Start running the cylinder test.
A set of lines in a cylindrical pattern of gradually
increasing mesh size.
By default, only direct daughters of the mother volumes are checked.
If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks
will be performed recursively in the geometry tree.
NOTE: the recursion may take a very long time,
depending on the geometry complexity !

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

recursionFlag type b Omittable : default value = 0

recursion_start [initial_level]

Set the initial level in the geometry tree for recursion.
recursive_test will then start from the specified level.

Available at all Geant4 states.

initial_level type i Omittable : default value = 0

recursion_depth [recursion_depth]

Set the depth in the geometry tree for recursion.
recursive_test will then stop after reached the specified depth.
By default, recursion will proceed for the whole depth.

Available at all Geant4 states.

recursion_depth type i Omittable : default value = -1

run [recursionFlag]

Start running the default grid test.
Same as the grid_test command.
If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks
will be performed recursively in the geometry tree.
NOTE: the recursion may take a very long time,
depending on the geometry complexity !

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

recursionFlag type b Omittable : default value = 0


Start running the recursive grid test.
A grid of lines along a cartesian axis is recursively
to all daughters and daughters of daughters, etc.
NOTE: it may take a very long time,
depending on the geometry complexity !

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle