
Gun mode control.

Sub-directories :

Commands :

fileOpen [fileName]

Open an external file of primary guns.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

fileName type s Omittable : default value = default.gun


Close the external file.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

position [choice]

Set the position mode.
Choice : point, random, target
point -> point source,
random -> randomly spread around the point source,
target -> uniformly distributed in target disks.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

choice type s Omittable : default value = point Parameter candidates : point random target

energy [choice]

Set the energy mode.
Choice : mono, random, dio, rpc, pmc, dispersivebeam, cosmic
mono -> monochromatic,
random -> randomly spread around the specified energy,
dio -> Watanabe-Shanker's DIO spectrum.
Production threshold energy should be defined by /gun/energy beforehand.
rpc -> Radiative Pion Capture spectrum (photon).
pmc -> Muon-Captured Proton spectrum.
dispersivebeam -> Dispersion along Y.
cosmic -> Cosmic Muon Spectrum.
Both energy and angle will be generated.
Maximum "momentum" should be defined by /gun/energy beforehand.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

choice type s Omittable : default value = mono Parameter candidates : mono random dio rpc pmc dispersivebeam cosmic