
User defined commands regarding to the muon minus processes.

Sub-directories :

Commands :

minEnergyDIO [minEnergyDIO] [Unit]

Set the minimum of the total energy of electrons produced via DIO process.

Range : minEnergyDIO>=0.

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

minEnergyDIO type d
Unit type s Parameter candidates : eV keV MeV GeV TeV PeV J electronvolt kiloelectronvolt megaelectronvolt gigaelectronvolt teraelectronvolt petaelectronvolt joule

captureWeight [captureWeight]

Set a weight parameter for the capture process.
Probability = Wc*Gc / (Wc*Gc + Wd*Gd + Gc*Rmec).

Range : captureWeight>=0 && captureWeight<=1.0

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

captureWeight type d

decayWeight [decayWeight]

Set a weight parameter for the decay-in-orbit process.
Probability = Wd*Gd / (Wc*Gc + Wd*Gd + Gc*Rmec).

Range : decayWeight>=0 && decayWeight<=1.0

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

decayWeight type d

conversionRatio [conversionRatio]

Set a mu-e conversion ratio.
Probability = Rmec*Gc / (Wc*Gc + Wd*Gd + Gc*Rmec).

Range : conversionRatio>=0 && conversionRatio<=1.0

Available Geant4 state(s) : PreInit Idle

conversionRatio type d