
TrackingManager and SteppingManager control commands.

Sub-directories :

Commands :


Abort current G4Track processing.

Available at all Geant4 states.


Resume current G4Track processing.

Available at all Geant4 states.

storeTrajectory [Store]

Store trajectories or not.
0 : Don't Store trajectories.
!=0 : Store trajectories.
1 : Choose G4Trajectory as default.
2 : Choose G4SmoothTrajectory as default.
3 : Choose G4RichTrajectory as default.

Range : Store >=0 && Store <= 3

Available at all Geant4 states.

Store type i Omittable : default value = 0

verbose [verbose_level]

Set Verbose level of tracking category.
-1 : Silent.
0 : Silent.
1 : Minium information of each Step.
2 : Addition to Level=1, info of secondary particles.
3 : Addition to Level=1, pre/postStepoint information
after all AlongStep/PostStep process executions.
4 : Addition to Level=3, pre/postStepoint information
at each AlongStepPostStep process execuation.
5 : Addition to Level=4, proposed Step length information
from each AlongStepPostStep process.

Range : verbose_level >=-1

Available at all Geant4 states.

verbose_level type i Omittable : default value = 0

setTrackTimeLimit [trackTimeLimit] [Unit]

Define maximum time limit for a track.

Range : trackTimeLimit>=0

Available Geant4 state(s) : Idle

trackTimeLimit type d
Unit type s Parameter candidates : s ms mus ns ps second millisecond microsecond nanosecond picosecond